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AI Tools catalog


71 tools found

Website Builders
Framer AI

Framer is a website design and development platform that offers fast deployment, built-in CMS, AI-powered localization, and site maintenance tools, with a focus on optimization and scalability.


STRATxAI is a company that offers cutting-edge AI-driven portfolios to empower businesses with seamless white-label investing solutions, aiming to enhance customer retention and drive revenue growth.

Human Resources

Rise Calendar is a scheduling tool designed to help users manage their time more effectively by scheduling, optimizing, and protecting their day.


Unschooling is a complete rejection of the concept of traditional schooling, where children control their own education and learn whatever they are interested in, without using a curriculum or being forced to learn, and unfortunately, many people who do unschool receive a ton of negative support and criticism.


Dewstack is an online documentation platform that allows users to host their content on their own domain or a free Dewstack sub-domain, with options for public, private, or password-protected access, and offers various pricing plans with different features and customization options


My Queue is a platform where you can discover and listen to the latest news articles from various sources such as The New York Times, Medium, BBC, The Guardian, CNN, and TechCrunch, and add them to your queue for later listening

Resleeve AI is an AI-powered fashion design and photoshoot studio that allows designers to create thousands of photorealistic AI fashion designs within seconds and professional AI fashion photoshoots within minutes.


CreativAI is an AI-powered writing tool that helps users create content up to 10 times faster, with a user-friendly interface and a range of features available on a free or paid plan.

Job Search
hireBrain AI

hireBrain is a platform where AI intersects with HR and tech experts, offering insights on hiring, recruitment challenges, and fatal hiring mistakes.
