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AI Tools catalog


182 tools found

Frequently.AI is an AI-powered marketing agency that offers content, creative, campaign management, and technical support services at a fraction of the cost of a traditional agency.

Artificial Intelligence
Metaphysic AI is a leading company in generative AI and machine learning, specializing in creating photorealistic Hollywood-quality content with an ethics-first approach

Developer Tools
Bloop AI is a fast code search engine that helps developers understand and navigate their codebases more efficiently by providing natural language search capabilities and semantic code analysis

Switchboard AI is a platform that allows users to automate image creation with an API or #nocode, providing fine-tuned control when creating assets, overwriting template values on a size-by-size basis, and translating any of your text elements into over 70 languages.


Paddle is a payment infrastructure and merchant of record for SaaS companies, handling billing, payments, tax, and subscription management for over 4,000 customers, and processing millions of transactions

Legal Assistants
LawMate AI

LawMate is an AI legal assistant that offers cost-effective and anonymous legal advice, simplifies legal jargon, and complies with international data protection standards.

Academics is a new writing tool that provides a blank page for writers to start their creativity with simplicity, clarity, and freedom, and encourages them to write the truest sentence they know.

Poly ai

PolyAI offers conversational AI solutions for various industries, including banking, healthcare, travel, and hospitality, with voice assistants that can be customized and deployed in multiple languages, providing real-time insights and resolving calls in heavy use cases

Glass Health AI

Glass Health offers an AI-powered clinical decision support platform that empowers clinicians with differential diagnoses and clinical plans based on patient summaries and evidence-based guidelines, aiming to improve diagnostic accuracy and patient outcomes worldwide
