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AI Tools catalog


15 tools found

Assistant Code

AI2sql is a tool that automatically creates SQL statements based on user input, supporting natural language prompts in several languages, and can be used by a wide range of users for a variety of purposes, including data analysis, learning SQL, and improving efficiency, with tailored solutions for enterprises.


Collab is a contact center software that enables digital transformation, balances automation and human interaction, and provides enhanced customer experiences through omnichannel solutions, AI, and CRM integration

Text To Speech
Voiser offers AI-powered speech-to-text and text-to-speech services in over 70 languages, including transcription of YouTube content, voice cloning, and a speaking website feature, revolutionizing workflow and content creation

Jungle AI

Jungle AI is an AI technology company that applies artificial intelligence to improve the performance of machinery, including renewable energy sources, and offers an AI-powered asset management app called Canopy, which uses historical data to predict component failures and identify poor performance

Artificial Intelligence

Superagent is an open framework for building AI-assistants that allows developers to build unique ChatGPT-like experiences with custom knowledge, brand identity, and external APIs, and it is built by a passionate community of developers who believe in an open and transparent future for AI.

Presto AI

Presto is an A.I.-driven automation solution for drive-thru restaurants, with over 277,000 products deployed, offering labor cost savings and revenue increase, and it is also an open source, distributed SQL query engine designed for fast analytic queries against data of any size, used by large organizations such as Facebook, Airbnb, and Netflix


Myth.Ai is a technology company that specializes in AI-powered printing pattern design technology, offering a web-based design tool that allows anyone to create professional designs in just a few clicks.


PROMPTMETHEUS is a cross-platform Prompt Engineering IDE that helps automate text-based tasks and integrate apps with AI capabilities, offering features such as prompt composition, testing, and deployment


ETHIACK is an autonomous ethical hacking platform that provides real-time monitoring, comprehensive testing, and strategic insights to uphold the integrity of digital assets and prioritize actions in the face of intensive cybersecurity risks
