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AI Tools catalog


181 tools found

Health is a simulation-driven drug discovery company specializing in cancer combination therapies, with a focus on overcoming resistance to DNA Damage Response (DDR) inhibitors

Art Generator
Dreamlike Art is a website offering a free AI art generator and maker with powerful AI tools, running on server-grade A100 GPUs for fast image generation and editing.


Albus is an AI-powered platform that helps users explore, learn, and create with the assistance of large language models and machine learning services, saving time and attention while sparking new ideas

Health is an AI-enabled autonomous diagnosis platform that has helped reduce patient backlogs and fast-track the treatment of lung cancer patients in various healthcare institutions

Artificial Intelligence
Molin AI

Molin AI is an advanced AI language model that solves complex problems and provides more accurate answers than any AI chatbot on the market, integrates into all of the e-commerce platforms and any other types of websites, and can detect and resolve issues in 95 languages.


Broadn is an AI-powered platform that helps users with content marketing, research, and business analysis by executing complex tasks and providing high-quality content

UniGlobal Careers CV and Cover Letter Generator

UniGlobal Careers offers an AI-driven CV and cover letter generator that tailors documents to your unique profile and job preferences, saving time and effort in your job search

Shaping Tomorrow

Shaping Tomorrow is a strategic intelligence platform that uses horizon scanning to spot emerging trends, weak signals of change, and wild cards by continuously scanning ~100,000 reputable sources to find evidence of impending change which is instantly and automatically collated as summaries and visual dashboards.

No Code

Backengine is a platform that allows users to build their backend in minutes using natural language, without the need for code or infrastructure. It offers direct access to a managed database and total control over API code, making it suitable for various projects and easy to use
