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AI Tools catalog


48 tools found

Human Resources

Talmundo is a platform that offers intuitive reporting dashboards and solutions for exceptional employee onboarding, aiming to improve new hire experiences and provide valuable support to organizations.

Developer Tools

Spell is a platform offering AI agents to enhance productivity, with a focus on helping users accomplish tasks and unlock their potential through a free trial.

Gems is a platform that provides instant, effortless answers to your questions, connecting your team's knowledge and synthesizing it into structured, written-out answers called Gems

Computer Vision
Duckduckgoose AI

DuckDuckGo's detector is a deepfake detection technology that analyzes faces to find deepfake traces and provides the probability of the input being a deepfake and the Activation Map to substantiate the classification.

Lasso Moderation

Lasso Moderation is a platform that offers powerful content moderation tools, including AI-based text, image, and video moderation, as well as an advanced dashboard for efficient and effective moderation.

Artificial Intelligence

Usefini is a platform that allows users to turn their knowledge base into an AI chat in just two minutes.

Stormly 2.0

Stormly is a powerful analytics platform for product managers, offering tailored insights into user behavior and tips for product improvement, as well as seamless integration with other analytics tools


Rizemail is a free, secure, and fast email summarization service that allows users to summarize up to 100 mails per month per email account by sending or forwarding an email to


Blue Dot Corporation offers tax compliance software and global tax management solutions, including VAT, taxable employee benefits, and expense analysis platforms, to help organizations address the challenges of global business and the new working norm in the post-COVID world
