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AI Tools catalog


1133 tools found


Crystal is a personality data platform that provides DISC personality profiles for buyers, trusted by over 1,000 organizations globally, and offers tips for effective communication with different personality types.

Flamme AI

FlammeAI is an AI love-guru and relationship advice platform available on the Flamme - The Couples App, providing general informational purposes only.

June AI

June is a product analytics platform for B2B SaaS, offering unique value immediately and enabling users to gain new insights with just a few clicks


Superhuman is a platform that provides blazingly fast email for teams and individuals, integrating social insights from LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter into the workflow.

No Code
Project Description Generator

The WeLoveNoCode AI Project Description Generator is an AI-powered tool that generates customized project descriptions and recommends the most relevant no-code tools in seconds.

Skillroads is an AI-powered platform offering resume building, cover letter creation, and job search services, including Fortune 500 job opportunities and career tips.

Assistant Code
Mars Ai

MarsX is a free development tool that allows users to build web and mobile apps using a combination of no-code and code interfaces, enabling the creation and modification of micro-apps for various purposes, such as NFT marketplaces, gig economies, and social networks

Developer Tools

PromptLayer is a platform designed for prompt engineering, serving as a specialized tool for prompt engineers.

Files & Spreadsheets
Excel Formula Bot

The Excel Formula Bot is an AI-powered tool that generates valid Excel formulas based on user input, making it easier and faster to work with spreadsheets and data analysis
