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AI Tools catalog


123 tools found

Scispace, also known as SciSpace, is a research platform and writing tool that helps researchers, students, and professionals manage, format, and collaborate on research papers and thesis documents, providing simple explanations and answers from AI for better understanding of scientific information

WatermarkRemover IO is an AI-powered online tool that removes watermarks from images and videos for free, with an enterprise plan available for personalized quotes, demos, and 24/7 email support, and it can be accessed on multiple platforms like Windows, Mac, and Android.

Assistant Code
CodeMate AI

CodeMate is a platform that offers a Visual Studio Code extension to assist with coding, providing features, pricing information, and a contact option.


Retouch4me is a set of AI-powered plugins for retouching photos, offering features such as skin tone adjustment, backdrop cleaning, and portrait enhancement, designed to save time for photographers by automating the retouching process

Content Creation

Instoried is the world's first end-to-end AI content writing tool that aims to enhance writing and add emotion to generate and optimize high-quality content in seconds.

Keywords Everwhere

Keywords Everywhere is a tool for online marketing research that provides SEO and competitive analysis features, supporting 15+ websites with various metrics and insights.

Storytelling Generator

OurFictionVerse is a platform that uses AI to generate and refine captivating stories across a range of genres, and also provides an AI-powered art generator to create unique and visually rich story art panels.

Website Builders is a free visual sitemap generator that uses artificial intelligence to create the visual structure of a website, which serves as an important starting point for further development.

GPT Stylist

GPT Stylist is an AI plugin for Figma and FigJam that creates custom color palettes based on product descriptions, aiming to simplify the color decision-making process for design projects
