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AI Tools catalog


32 tools found


CaliberAI is an AI-powered content moderation tool that helps organizations detect and flag potentially defamatory or harmful content in near real-time, with tailored solutions for different platforms and workflows.

Job Search
hireBrain AI

hireBrain is a platform where AI intersects with HR and tech experts, offering insights on hiring, recruitment challenges, and fatal hiring mistakes.

Artificial Intelligence

Clariteia's landing page offers GenAI powered product planning, allowing users to explore roadmaps organized by features or epics and generate implementation details for development with just a click.


ChattySurvey is a platform that offers an AI Assistant to gather customer feedback and provides subscription plans for different business needs, including basic and advanced analytics.

Keytrends AI

KeyTrends is a content marketing tool that simplifies and unifies all phases of your content strategy, allowing you to monitor the real-time evolution of search trends to optimize your content in just a few minutes, and it also offers data-driven AI to create AI content for people.

Legal Assistants

Brightflag is an AI-powered legal operations platform that offers legal e-billing software to help corporate legal teams reduce costs, increase productivity, and make better decisions.

StoryBeat AI

Storybeat is an all-in-one image editing app that offers fresh templates and filters, making it easy to create professional-looking content quickly and efficiently

No Code
AI-assisted Contember Studio

Contember is an open-source platform designed to streamline the process of building and managing data-driven web applications, offering security, scalability, and customization, and it can be used with or without AI for rapid backend development

Whispr is a platform that enables users to have human-like conversations with AI technology, providing assistance with various tasks and answering questions
