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AI Tools catalog


76 tools found

Open Assistant

Open Assistant is a project organized by LAION and individuals around the world, aiming to provide a free, community-driven, open-source chatbot alternative to ChatGPT, with the code and models licensed under the Apache 2.0 license and the training data released under CC BY 4.0, and it is intended to run on consumer hardware

Resume Studio

The Resumé Studio offers expert advice and resources for crafting the perfect resume, tailored to your industry and career goals.


GETitOUT is a marketing tool that helps users create emails, landing pages, and other marketing materials with professional texts and designs, as well as generate buyer personas and analyze competition to improve marketing strategies.

Developer Tools
Databorg AI

DataBorg is an all-in-one knowledge management suite that empowers companies to leverage their data with intelligent solutions, providing high-quality tools to overcome challenges with poor data quality and unlock their full potential for success through AI tools and data-driven insights

Human Resources
Spoke AI is an AI-powered inbox that summarizes conversations and notifications from various sources, including Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Gmail, to help users prioritize and take action on the most important topics.

There’s An AI For That is an AI aggregator offering tools like ExplainThis for summarizing web content, Socratic Science for science tutoring, and WTF Does This Company Do? for copywriting assistance

Collato AI

Collato is an AI assistant for product teams that aims to solve real user problems and is described as a product sorely needed for knowledge repositories

Developer Tools

Valispace's AI, known as ValiAssistant, offers assisted engineering capabilities, enabling engineers to streamline the entire engineering process, from requirements engineering to system design, by automating and improving various tasks and routines, ultimately leading to faster and more efficient product development

AI Photo

AI Photo is a user-friendly text-to-image generator app that creates photos and artworks, all offline, based on your image description, optimized for Apple silicon chips (M1 and M2), and developed by IXEAU.
