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AI Tools catalog


81 tools found


Oxolo offers AI-powered video content for e-commerce businesses, providing a 25% discount for first-time users and a 40% increase in organic search traffic for websites featuring videos


AutoRetouch is a platform that offers AI-powered photo editing and manipulation services, allowing users to define their specifications once and apply the edits to thousands of images at the same time, reducing post-production time and hassles by up to 90%.

Developer Tools

Syntheticaidata is a company that provides a solution for generating synthetic data at scale, which can be used to train vision AI models, ensuring privacy, regulatory compliance, and cost-effectiveness.


Courseau is a platform that aims to unleash the educational potential of various content, allowing the transformation of complex items such as YouTube videos and scientific articles.

Text Cortex

TextCortex is an AI-powered creative partner that revolutionizes the creative process by offering a customizable, cross-device platform with advanced writing and research capabilities in 25+ languages, reducing writing time by over 50%

Type Studio

Type Studio is a free online tool that allows users to add and edit subtitles in videos, and it also provides features for translating and transcribing content.

Computer Vision

Siwalu Software is a company that develops AI-based image recognition apps, including Dog Scanner, which can identify dog breeds within seconds.

Mailbutler AI

The Mailbutler Smart Assistant is an AI-powered email assistant that can compose and respond to emails, summarize emails, find tasks and contact information from messages, and improve spelling and grammar, all in seconds.

Speech To Text

AI Coustics is an audio enhancement tool that uses deep learning techniques to remove imperfections in recordings or streams, such as background noises, room resonances, low-quality microphones, codec compression, and other unwanted elements.
