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AI Tools catalog


178 tools found


Superluminal is an AI tool for data dashboards, allowing the addition of a powerful AI data interpreter to a product's data dashboard with the Superluminal API


K8sGPT is a tool that scans and diagnoses Kubernetes clusters, providing simple English explanations and AI-enhanced analysis


The Smudge app's Developer Colour Palette allows users to choose, convert, organize, and share colors for their projects, with features such as a built-in color picker, automatic syncing to the cloud, and AI-assisted color palette generation.

Free AI Pet Portrait Generator – Camlist

Camlist offers a free AI pet portrait generator where users can upload photos of their pets to create multiple styles of portraits, and also provides a platform for rehoming pets with a focus on safety and animal welfare

Content Creation

Post Genie is a platform that automates social media, making it easier for users to grow their brands with little to no experience

Artificial Intelligence
Molin AI

Molin AI is an advanced AI language model that solves complex problems and provides more accurate answers than any AI chatbot on the market, integrates into all of the e-commerce platforms and any other types of websites, and can detect and resolve issues in 95 languages.

Art Generator
QR Diffusion

QR Diffusion is a beta platform that uses AI to transform QR codes into artistic designs, going beyond traditional pixelated grids to create intricate images resembling artwork.

Websites & Design
Pineapple Builder

Pineapple Builder is an AI website builder that allows businesses to create customized websites with features such as blog, newsletter, and payments in under 5 minutes.

Audio Diary

Audio Diary is an intelligent voice diary that uses AI to help you capture moments, practice gratitude, and achieve goals, prioritizing security, simplicity, and success.
