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AI Tools catalog


1133 tools found

Human Resources

TalentGuard is a workforce intelligence platform that helps companies manage and optimize their talent through skills-based learning, talent automation, and succession planning, aiming to elevate organizational success and employee engagement

Developer Tools

Shaped is an AI-powered API that uses state-of-the-art technologies to make complex data types, including text, images, and video, usable for ranking systems, built for data scientists and ML engineers.

Social Networks

TubeBuddy is an advanced AI tool that helps creators optimize their YouTube channels, manage content, and grow their audience with features like keyword optimization, thumbnail testing, and A/B testing

Artificial Intelligence
Glide Apps

Glide AI allows users to easily build and deploy custom, AI-powered business apps without managing prompts, choosing models, or dealing with complex APIs.

Human Resources

GuidedTrack is a versatile platform that allows users to create custom apps, surveys, and experiments without the need for extensive coding knowledge, making it ideal for social scientists and researchers

Composable Studio

Conektto is an AI-powered platform that simplifies API design and testing, offering an all-in-one solution for creating, simulating, visualizing, coding, mocking, testing, and deploying enterprise-grade APIs


Affinity is a relationship intelligence platform that helps private capital investors and enterprise sellers find, manage, and close more deals through relationship intelligence.

Content Creation
Narrato Workspace

Narrato is an AI content creation and workflow software used by content marketers, writers, agencies, and content publishers to create and collaborate on content, manage large teams of writers and editors, and generate AI images with just a few words.

Sales is a modern revenue intelligence platform recognized for its flexibility, in-depth discussions on driving revenue, and high usability, with a focus on helping businesses control and improve their revenue in 2024
