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AI Tools catalog


129 tools found

Scispace, also known as SciSpace, is a research platform and writing tool that helps researchers, students, and professionals manage, format, and collaborate on research papers and thesis documents, providing simple explanations and answers from AI for better understanding of scientific information


MowaAI is an AI data analyst that aims to simplify data analysis and elevate the level of data literacy within organizations.

Life Assistants
Gita GPT

Gita GPT is an AI-powered platform that uses the Bhagavad Gita to provide solutions to your life's queries and offer insights into life's decisions


FastCut is a one-click tool that allows users to create engaging videos quickly and easily, featuring auto captions, trendy templates, keyword highlighting, auto emojis, and more.


Analogenie is an AI-powered tool that generates analogies to add spark to your content and help you explain complex concepts to your readers.

No Code

Gooey.AI is an AI-powered platform that offers a library of workflows across generative text, voice, video, CoPilots, and more, allowing users to upload their own data and evaluate any Gooey.AI workflow, LLM or AI model against any other.

Content Creation

useCarl is an AI assistant for creators that repurposes content to suit each platform, helping to create a passionate and interactive community of followers and reach a relevant and quality audience of potential customers, partners, and recruiters

Artificial Intelligence

Sttabot is a cloud-based AI development and infrastructure platform that allows users to build NLP-backed AI apps using no-code and low-code technology, train and annotate datasets, build custom LLM models, and create AI chatbots to automate support and sales.

Job Search

LazyApply is an AI-powered job application automation tool that automates the job application process by automatically applying to all the jobs on platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, and ZipRecruiter using Job GPT, and also offers a cover letter generator tool.
