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AI Tools catalog


1191 tools found

Metaphor Systems

Metaphor Systems is a search engine based on generative AI that is trained to predict the next link, similar to how GPT-3 predicts the next word.

Human Resources

SeekOut is a talent acquisition and management platform that uses data-driven insights and AI-powered candidate search to help companies recruit and manage diverse talent, trusted by leading brands and offering strategic interview questions and diversity recruiting tips


Gridlex Sky's inventory management feature helps businesses overcome inventory discrepancies and operational inefficiencies by enabling efficient tracking of inventory levels, purchase orders, and sales orders, leading to optimized inventory levels and improved operational efficiency.

Real Estate
REimagine Home

REimagineHome is an AI-based platform for virtual staging, remodeling, landscaping, and interior design that offers various AI solutions to reimagine and enhance spaces, catering to a wide range of professionals.

Docsbot AI

DocsBot AI is a platform that allows users to create custom chatbots trained with their own content and documentation, which can provide instant answers to customers' questions and automate customer support.


LongShot AI is a powerful tool that helps content teams create high-quality, engaging, and SEO-optimized content by providing valuable insights and suggestions for phrases and keywords with high traffic potential.

ResumeResponseGPT AI

ResumeResponseGPT is a Chrome extension by Project Candle that uses AI to analyze job postings, compare them to your resume, and provide tailored recommendations to optimize your resume for specific roles, empowering job seekers in their job search


Heyday is an AI thought partner that helps professionals generate meeting notes, extract insights from research, and draft content based on past reading and conversations, all while ensuring data privacy and security


The Security Bulldog is an AI-powered cybersecurity intelligence platform that gathers the largest collection of open-source threat intelligence, customized for each user's role, team, and industry, to assist cybersecurity teams in understanding threats more quickly, making better decisions, and accelerating detection and response
