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AI Tools catalog


1191 tools found


Sturppy is a financial modeling tool designed for established growing businesses, offering AI-powered insights and data management solutions to help businesses optimize their financial performance

Customer Support
Gladly Sidekick

Gladly has introduced Gladly Sidekick, a new AI and automation platform that enables personalized self-service and works alongside their people-centered platform, Gladly Hero, to deliver personalized agent-assisted customer service

Flamme AI

FlammeAI is an AI love-guru and relationship advice platform available on the Flamme - The Couples App, providing general informational purposes only.

Frase IO

Frase is an AI-powered SEO content optimization tool and AI writer, trusted by over 30,000 content, SEO, and marketing teams, that helps create and optimize content for better ranking on Google, simplifying the SEO content workflow and providing SERP research and analysis features.

Developer Tools

IBM's is a platform that enables next-generation lakehouse architecture for data-driven enterprises, helping to lower storage costs, optimize compute, and support data engineering and analytics needs across discrete systems

Ai Detection

GPTKit is an AI-generated text detector tool that utilizes six different AI-based content detection techniques to provide reports on the authenticity and reality of the content analyzed, and is suitable for anyone looking to check their AI-generated content.

Customer Support

Persana AI is an AI-powered sales automation platform that helps businesses find the best leads, send hyper-personalized outbound messages, and boost qualified leads by up to 95%.

Life Assistants

Caktus AI is an AI-powered study assistant designed for students, offering features such as essay writing, math problem solving, and code generation, with a monthly subscription of $9.90 and an annual subscription of $99.90

Eden AI

Eden AI is a platform that provides a unique API connected to the best AI engines, offering access to many generative AI APIs, machine translation engines, text analysis and NLP engines, and image analysis technologies.
