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AI Tools catalog


1145 tools found

Artificial Intelligence offers a powerful AI and machine learning fraud detection platform, combining custom machine learning models with deep learning and neural networks to provide real-time risk scores, clear explainability, and streamlined investigations, ultimately reducing fraud and automating workflows

Developer Tools

Shaped is an AI-powered API that uses state-of-the-art technologies to make complex data types, including text, images, and video, usable for ranking systems, built for data scientists and ML engineers.

Assistant Code
Mutable is a platform for AI-accelerated software development that allows users to chat with their entire codebase, find anything in their code using plain English, refactor directories, and more.

No Code

Durable is an AI-powered website builder and small business software that helps businesses grow their online presence, manage customers, and automate tasks with its AI Assistant

Art Generator

Fiction is a platform for AI-generated media, offering tools to create avatars, animations, and models for various applications


Planful is a financial performance management platform that offers advanced solutions, expert insights, and professional training to help businesses optimize their financial processes and stay ahead of surprises


Aidaptive is an autonomous intelligence platform for digital commerce, offering end-to-end artificial intelligence and machine learning solutions to upgrade businesses from data-driven to intelligence-driven, powering high-efficiency commerce

Legal Assistants

LegalMation is an AI platform that automates the drafting of legal documents, such as responses to lawsuits and discovery requests, tailored to the specific claims and allegations in the legal document, aiming to transform how lawyers work and deliver value

Files & Spreadsheets
Writingmate AI is a Chrome browser extension that provides ChatGPT assistance, allowing users to draft or reply to emails, generate content, improve writing, and perform various tasks on the web
