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AI Tools catalog


194 tools found

Legal Assistants

Juro is an AI-enabled contract automation platform that empowers businesses to create, agree, and manage contracts faster and more efficiently, offering features such as automated contract drafting, real-time collaboration, and structured approval workflows


RAVATAR offers AI avatars that move and behave like real humans, providing valuable assets for businesses and personal assistance in households.

Developer Tools
Channel AI

Channel is a platform that allows you to connect your database, ask questions, and get insights, making data analysis collaborative and accessible without extensive engineering work.


NLSQL is a B2B SaaS platform that provides an intuitive text interface to convert natural language into SQL queries, allowing users to retrieve data from databases and make data-driven decisions, with a focus on healthcare and business intelligence applications

Website Planet

The Dummy Image Generator on Website Planet is a free tool that allows you to quickly and easily create placeholder images for websites and landing pages, helping you visualize the overall design and layout while waiting for the actual images to be ready

Holly is an AI-powered recruiting platform that automates the hiring process and integrates with existing systems, offering services such as candidate data access, outreach, and data privacy considerations.

Storytelling Generator
Charisma is a British company that develops interactive films, TV series, games, and VR experiences using AI and NLP technologies to create believable conversational experiences with virtual characters that have voices, emotions, memories, and goals, and bring them to life in web, app, gaming, VR, and other interactive experiences.

Image is a powerful tool for creating custom show looks and monitoring LUTs for on-set preview, making it an essential resource for professionals in the industry.


Briefly is an AI-powered briefing platform that provides smart templates, live feedback, and personalized checklists to help teams write focused, clear, and concise briefs for marketing and creative campaigns.
