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AI Tools catalog


212 tools found

Human Resources
Krock IO is a video review and collaboration software that offers data protection, online proofing, team workload management, and an AI storyboard generator.


Superflows is an AI Copilot that can be built and deployed in a day, connecting to your API and allowing users to get answers and perform tasks via chat, with a control dashboard to configure the product assistant easily.

Storytelling Generator
Charisma is a British company that develops interactive films, TV series, games, and VR experiences using AI and NLP technologies to create believable conversational experiences with virtual characters that have voices, emotions, memories, and goals, and bring them to life in web, app, gaming, VR, and other interactive experiences.


The Smudge app's Developer Colour Palette allows users to choose, convert, organize, and share colors for their projects, with features such as a built-in color picker, automatic syncing to the cloud, and AI-assisted color palette generation.


GooseAI is a platform that aims to reduce the cost of AI infrastructure

No Code

Backengine is a platform that allows users to build their backend in minutes using natural language, without the need for code or infrastructure. It offers direct access to a managed database and total control over API code, making it suitable for various projects and easy to use

Article Fiesta

Article Fiesta is a convenient AI-powered tool for creating high-quality, keyword-focused articles that are optimized for maximum SEO impact.

Media & Entertainment

IMAGINaiTION is a platform focused on integrating AI into parenting, offering AI-generated stories for children and conducting research to understand and address parents' needs.

Pixels AI

Pixels AI is an AI-powered platform that amplifies premium video using your player, your ads, and your content, recommends relevant videos for articles, and provides full editorial and commercial control.
