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AI Tools catalog


77 tools found


Courseau is a platform that aims to unleash the educational potential of various content, allowing the transformation of complex items such as YouTube videos and scientific articles.


AskUI is a platform divided into 3 categories of Android, Web3, and Native Desktop, offering a 900€ prize pool for the best solutions, and it controls the operating system through mouse movement, mouse clicks, key presses, and screen capture.


MARA Solutions is an AI review response generator that helps businesses, including hotels, efficiently and effectively respond to online reviews, both positive and negative, to manage their online reputation and engage with customers

AI Photo

AI Photo is a user-friendly text-to-image generator app that creates photos and artworks, all offline, based on your image description, optimized for Apple silicon chips (M1 and M2), and developed by IXEAU.

Music is an AI platform that offers music tagging, similarity search, and music analysis API services, catering to music professionals, DJs, artists, and brands, with a focus on music recommendation systems, keyword cleaning, and song bio generation.

Text Cortex

TextCortex is an AI-powered creative partner that revolutionizes the creative process by offering a customizable, cross-device platform with advanced writing and research capabilities in 25+ languages, reducing writing time by over 50%

Human Resources
Cover Letter AI

Cover Letter AI is a platform that uses AI to generate personalized cover letters based on user-set parameters and information from their CV, making the process of writing cover letters much easier and more efficient

NeuralStudio generates avatars, art, logos, and photorealistic images using AI-powered tools like Stable Diffusion, AI Upscaling, and AI filters

Developer Tools

Valispace's AI, known as ValiAssistant, offers assisted engineering capabilities, enabling engineers to streamline the entire engineering process, from requirements engineering to system design, by automating and improving various tasks and routines, ultimately leading to faster and more efficient product development
