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AI Tools catalog


177 tools found

Human Resources

Beamery is a talent lifecycle management platform that has delivered a 467% ROI for its customers, reduced recruiting costs by 20%, and improved the quality of hire and candidate experience.

Glass Health AI

Glass Health offers an AI-powered clinical decision support platform that empowers clinicians with differential diagnoses and clinical plans based on patient summaries and evidence-based guidelines, aiming to improve diagnostic accuracy and patient outcomes worldwide

Quench AI

Quench is a platform that offers self-directed learning from recordings, allowing users to train AI on unstructured content to find relevant results instantly and increase engagement.

Flawless AI

Flawless AI is a filmmaking tool that uses DeepEditor to create new dialogue and avoid the costs of physically filmed reshoots, and is designed to integrate seamlessly into film production, localization, and distribution workflows.


Paddle is a payment infrastructure and merchant of record for SaaS companies, handling billing, payments, tax, and subscription management for over 4,000 customers, and processing millions of transactions

Developer Tools
Hiphops AI

Hiphops AI is a platform that allows developers to inject AI into their workflows and automate administrative tasks through auto-generated UIs, containerized steps, and multiple integrations.

ChatGPT Extensions

SummerEyes is an AI-powered productivity tool that provides condensed summaries of text on the internet, helping users process more information quickly and efficiently


Superflows is an AI Copilot that can be built and deployed in a day, connecting to your API and allowing users to get answers and perform tasks via chat, with a control dashboard to configure the product assistant easily.

Salespitch is an AI-powered platform that automates the creation and sending of personalized sales emails, boasting high-conversion rates, perfect tone, and grammar, and integration with current sales systems, suitable for various businesses and marketing agencies.
