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AI Tools catalog


120 tools found

Artificial Intelligence
Questgen AI

Questgen is an AI-powered quiz generator that supports high-volume quiz generation of up to 150 quizzes from 100,000 words in 1-click, providing an authoring tool to generate various kinds of assessments like Multiple Choice Questions, True/False Questions, Fill-in-the-blanks, and Higher-Order Questions, saving significant time for users and trusted by over 80,000 users


ChatMaxima is an AI chatbot platform that connects businesses to their audience, broadening brand reach and amplifying customer engagement for exceptional results.

Legal Assistants

SpotDraft is an end-to-end solution for all contracting needs, offering services such as contract drafting, review, and management.

Plaito AI is an AI tool that enhances learning through personalized and engaging interactive tutoring sessions, tracking a student's progress and adjusting to their needs for improved learning outcomes

Text Generators
Samwell is an AI-powered tool for writing essays and research papers, offering features such as audio summaries, plagiarism-free content, in-text citations, and related videos, with different pricing packages based on word count limits

No Code

Bravo Studio is a no-code app builder that streamlines the process of turning Figma designs into interactive prototypes, making it easier to showcase ideas and publish apps without the hassle of app store submissions

Assistant Code
CodeMate AI

CodeMate is a platform that offers a Visual Studio Code extension to assist with coding, providing features, pricing information, and a contact option.

Art Generator

The AI-powered content generator at helps businesses, marketers, and content creators generate short-form content for various communication channels and platforms in just a matter of seconds, saving time and effort while maintaining high-quality standards


FollowerSearch is a tool that provides historical Twitter data and Twitter archive search, helping users find top influencers related to a particular Twitter Hashtag or Twitter campaign
