Qlip.ai is a platform that allows users to extract short clips from long videos using AI technology, enabling fast and efficient video content repurposing.
B-cube.ai is an AI-driven trading platform that offers premium quality tools and content for crypto trading, leveraging AI to empower humans and providing a blockchain-based ecosystem
Ursule.io is a platform that offers information about its features, usability, security, and pricing, and allows users to reach out for additional information.
Siit is an internal help desk software that streamlines employee support, automates processes, and enhances team productivity without sacrificing employee experience
Algorithma is a company based in Villeurbanne, France, that specializes in strategic intelligence and knowledge management. They offer services in innovation monitoring and economic intelligence.
Samwell.ai is an AI-powered tool for writing essays and research papers, offering features such as audio summaries, plagiarism-free content, in-text citations, and related videos, with different pricing packages based on word count limits
Deep Image AI is a platform that offers image upscaling and enhancement services, allowing users to improve the quality of their images for various purposes, such as social media and corporate use
ClipDrop is a tool that uses AI to create stunning visuals in seconds, including background replacement, image relighting, upscaling, and various other image editing features.
Try It On AI offers professional AI headshots and portraits for various industries, allowing users to submit 10-30 selfies, select portrait styles, and use AI editing tools for quick fixes, with pricing ranging from $17 to $45