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AI Tools catalog


188 tools found

Legal Assistants

ThoughtRiver is an AI-powered contract acceleration platform that can speed up review processes, enhance team productivity, and unlock key data to drive businesses forward.

Quench AI

Quench is a platform that offers self-directed learning from recordings, allowing users to train AI on unstructured content to find relevant results instantly and increase engagement.

Shaping Tomorrow

Shaping Tomorrow is a strategic intelligence platform that uses horizon scanning to spot emerging trends, weak signals of change, and wild cards by continuously scanning ~100,000 reputable sources to find evidence of impending change which is instantly and automatically collated as summaries and visual dashboards.

Developer Tools
Bloop AI is a fast code search engine that helps developers understand and navigate their codebases more efficiently by providing natural language search capabilities and semantic code analysis

ReviewScout AI is an all-in-one solution for Amazon sellers that offers personalized recommendations, predictive analytics, and AI-driven research capabilities to help sellers master their inventory and restocking demands, maximize their advertising efforts, and uncover hidden market opportunities.

Media & Entertainment

IMAGINaiTION is a platform focused on integrating AI into parenting, offering AI-generated stories for children and conducting research to understand and address parents' needs.


Hit'n'Mix's latest offering, RipX DAW, is an AI-powered Digital Audio Workstation that can extract sounds from mixed recordings and is uniquely prepared to assist those working with samples produced by AI music generators.

Switchboard AI is a platform that allows users to automate image creation with an API or #nocode, providing fine-tuned control when creating assets, overwriting template values on a size-by-size basis, and translating any of your text elements into over 70 languages.

Human Resources

Jobdai is a platform that provides news, insights, and job opportunities for the AI community, offering resources for career acceleration and information on AI startups and jobs
