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AI Tools catalog


223 tools found


Rizemail is a free, secure, and fast email summarization service that allows users to summarize up to 100 mails per month per email account by sending or forwarding an email to


Pitchlane is a software designed to enhance video outreach methods by creating personalized videos for sales outreach and providing analytics to understand prospect engagement.

ChatGPT Extensions

SummerEyes is an AI-powered productivity tool that provides condensed summaries of text on the internet, helping users process more information quickly and efficiently

Flawless AI

Flawless AI is a filmmaking tool that uses DeepEditor to create new dialogue and avoid the costs of physically filmed reshoots, and is designed to integrate seamlessly into film production, localization, and distribution workflows.

Phygital+ is a platform that combines physical and digital experiences, aiming to connect the physical aspect of shopping with the digital, and it offers an AI Library with a catalog of 1800+ neural networks and AI tools

Synthesia IO

Synthesia is an AI video creation platform that enables everyone to create professional videos without mics, cameras, actors, or studios, and offers features such as 150+ ethnically diverse stock AI avatars, 120+ languages, accents, and voice tones, and automatic closed captions.

Language Learning

LanguageMate is a language learning platform that uses advanced natural language processing algorithms to provide accurate corrections and feedback on language skills, offers guided and unguided scenarios to help internalize a wide range of vocabulary and grammar, and boasts an extensive range of material spanning from beginner to fluent and complex levels.

Human Resources

Jobdai is a platform that provides news, insights, and job opportunities for the AI community, offering resources for career acceleration and information on AI startups and jobs

Pixels AI

Pixels AI is an AI-powered platform that amplifies premium video using your player, your ads, and your content, recommends relevant videos for articles, and provides full editorial and commercial control.
