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AI Tools catalog


73 tools found

Wondercraft AI

Wondercraft AI is a podcast creation platform that uses generative AI voices to easily produce and distribute podcasts in multiple languages, catering to businesses, publishers, and educational content creators. It offers hyper-realistic AI voices and the ability to publish directly to various platforms without extra hosting costs

Qlip AI is a platform that allows users to extract short clips from long videos using AI technology, enabling fast and efficient video content repurposing.

Task Management
Swiftask AI

Swiftask is an all-in-one AI assistant that offers a comprehensive chat solution, collaborative project management, and access to advanced AI models like GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 to boost productivity and creativity in professional, learning, and creative projects

Sharly AI

Sharly AI is an advanced tool that uses AI to summarize content from various formats, making it ideal for professionals dealing with lengthy documents and audio recordings, enhancing efficiency and productivity

Life Assistants
Lampi AI is a confidential and collaborative AI copilot that can understand text and spoken words, process uploaded data, and provide personalized advice to improve decision-making and work collaboration.

Dezgo is a website that generates images from text descriptions using AI technology.

Human Resources
Wave AI

Wave AI offers high-end coaching for managers and executives, providing confidential support and tailored-fit coaching experiences to help individuals reach their professional goals


AdYouNeed is an all-in-one platform that streamlines social media and search ads, allowing users to create and optimize ads in minutes while automating ad processes.

Music is an AI-powered platform that allows users to create, share, and inspire with AI voices and songs
