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AI Tools catalog


29 tools found

Vizard is a platform that uses AI to repurpose videos, allowing users to create short-form videos faster and more efficiently, with features such as AI clipping.

SalesMind AI

SalesMind AI is an AI-driven digital sales prospecting tool that utilizes artificial intelligence to help businesses automate and streamline their sales processes, with personalized engagement strategies tailored to the unique needs of each aiming for better connections and higher conversion rates.

TreeMind is an online AI mind mapping software that allows users to upload documents and generate mind maps, as well as providing a variety of templates and materials for efficient learning and work collaboration.


BOOLV is a web solution that offers a range of AI-powered tools for image editing, copywriting, and video making, including Boolpic, Boolvideo Lite, and Booltool.

Social Networks

Postus AI is an AI-powered social media automation tool that generates top-quality content for your social media accounts, saving you time and effort in crafting the perfect post

Social Networks

FeedHive is an AI-powered platform that allows users to create, schedule, publish, and manage social media content at scale, offering features such as visual planning, post engagement insights, and AI assistance for post performance prediction and content improvement

Websites & Design
Piktochart AI

Piktochart AI is a free tool that allows users to quickly and easily create visually appealing infographics on any topic using AI-generated templates that can be customized to enhance the visual story while remaining on-brand.


FixMeBot is an AI-powered language assistant that corrects texts in over 50 languages, with subscription plans available for users to upgrade, downgrade, or cancel at any time.

Jenny AI

Jenni AI is a powerful research assistant and content generator that helps users write more efficiently and effectively, offering features like AI Autocomplete, in-text citations, paraphrasing capabilities, and customization options
