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AI Tools catalog


49 tools found

Generai is a website that may be related to generative AI art, which has raised concerns about its impact on creativity and ethical boundaries in the art industry

Lalal AI

LALAL.AI is a website that offers a Vocal Remover and Instrumental AI Splitter tool, and users can register or log in to their account via email, Google, or Facebook.

Contents is a generative AI platform that helps businesses create high-performing, original, and SEO-optimized content 10x faster, supporting 25+ languages and integrating modules for analyzing online and competitor trends and behavioral signals.

ChatGPT Extensions
Gold Retriever AI

Gold Retriever is an open-source tool powered by Jina and DocArray that enables ChatGPT to interact with personalized and up-to-date data, making AI interactions more meaningful, accurate, and personal.

Art Generator
MyPrint AI is an AI tool that generates unique artworks from personal photos, allowing users to create and print beautiful artworks with ease and stunning quality.


CodeGeeX is a pre-trained multilingual model for code generation that supports code completion, translation, and explanation, and has consistent performance advantages over other models, with tens of thousands of daily active users and an average of 200+ API calls per weekday.

Social Networks
Editby is a platform that allows users to create high-quality, unique SEO-optimized content for their company, maintaining their brand's style and without leaving out any information.

No Code

Tiledesk is a platform for conversational automation, trusted by over 1000 global brands, offering chatbot building, AI integration, and personalized product showcasing.


Vidby is a Switzerland-based company that offers fast and automated video translation and dubbing services in over 50 languages, using AI technology to help businesses and content creators reach a wider audience and attract customers
