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AI Tools catalog


1145 tools found

Flamel AI is a platform that simplifies social media management, allowing users to create and schedule content across multiple platforms, saving time and effort

HubSpot Campaign Assistant

HubSpot's Campaign Assistant is a free AI-powered tool that allows businesses to create landing page copy, marketing email copy, and ad copy for their marketing campaigns, and it intuitively understands the keywords and descriptions provided to create content that aligns with the audience's preferences and needs in just a few seconds.

TalkPal AI

TalkPal is a GPT-powered AI language tutor that aims to revolutionize language learning by providing an engaging, interactive, and personalized experience for users around the world

Vidio AI

Vidio AI offers an online AI video editor that can generate and edit videos using AI, allowing users to create and edit videos with text prompts, and make changes to the video by giving simple text commands, significantly decreasing the time spent on video creation and editing


Juji is a platform that enables the rapid creation and management of custom cognitive AI chatbots, providing rich audience analytics and personality insights in real time, with no code and no IT resources required

Sybill is an AI personal assistant designed for sales teams, with a founding team having deep AI backgrounds from Stanford, Harvard, and UC San Diego, and 20+ years of experience in B2B sales, aiming to eliminate non-revenue generating activities and enhance deal execution with deep prospect insights

Composable Studio

Conektto is an AI-powered platform that simplifies API design and testing, offering an all-in-one solution for creating, simulating, visualizing, coding, mocking, testing, and deploying enterprise-grade APIs


LiveReacting is a platform that allows content creators, digital agencies, brands, and influencers to make live streams interactive by adding features such as interactive games, quizzes, polls, and countdowns, as well as the ability to integrate with various social media platforms

Botsociety 2 is a platform for designing, previewing, and prototyping chatbots and voice assistants.
