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AI Tools catalog


46 tools found


PyTorch is a machine learning library that provides tools and libraries for the development of computer vision, NLP, and more, with features such as distributed training, a robust ecosystem, and cloud support, and it is well supported on major cloud platforms

Developer Tools
rankode AI

Rankode AI is a tool that uses GitHub or existing code to generate personalized reports on programmer skills without the need for coding tests

ChatGPT Extensions
Gold Retriever AI

Gold Retriever is an open-source tool powered by Jina and DocArray that enables ChatGPT to interact with personalized and up-to-date data, making AI interactions more meaningful, accurate, and personal.


Sketchar is an AI-based mobile app that revolutionizes the way people learn creative skills, with personalized drawing courses and a focus on providing a fulfilling experience for both beginners and professional artists.

GetResponse Email Generator

GetResponse's AI Email Generator uses innovative GPT-3.5 technology to create engaging emails in record time, tailored to industry trends and specific keywords, leading to a significant decrease in email creation time for users.

Presto AI

Presto is an A.I.-driven automation solution for drive-thru restaurants, with over 277,000 products deployed, offering labor cost savings and revenue increase, and it is also an open source, distributed SQL query engine designed for fast analytic queries against data of any size, used by large organizations such as Facebook, Airbnb, and Netflix

Machine Learning

MLnative offers unprecedented speed and scale in MLOps, allowing users to play with foundational models on their AI Playground, access machine learning insights via their blog, and receive product development updates by subscribing to their platform


Flatlogic is an AI-powered platform that generates codebase of an enterprise business web app, including front-end, back-end, and database, saving at least a month of work, and offers web and mobile templates and admin dashboards to build web and mobile applications faster.

Art Generator is an AI-powered platform that offers free AI art generation and enhancement tools, as well as access to millions of public domain images.
