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AI Tools catalog


80 tools found

Social Networks

Taplio is an AI-powered platform that helps users grow their personal brand on LinkedIn by creating, improving, and scheduling content, as well as analyzing performance and providing inspiration for future posts


CodeGeeX is a pre-trained multilingual model for code generation that supports code completion, translation, and explanation, and has consistent performance advantages over other models, with tens of thousands of daily active users and an average of 200+ API calls per weekday.

ChatSite By Databerry is a platform that provides AI-powered chatbots for businesses, allowing users to upload data and interact with the AI for assistance.

Mistral AI

Mistral AI is a French company founded in April 2023 by researchers from Meta and Google, specializing in open-source, powerful AI models with a focus on efficiency and innovation, having raised over $400 million in funding and attained a valuation of more than $2 billion by December 2023.

SEOmatic AI

SEOmatic is a platform that offers programmatic SEO and AI tools to automate and scale marketing, including features such as creating SEO-friendly pages, importing datasets, generating content, and publishing pages on CMS or hosting them with SEOmatic

VanillaHR Hiring Platform

VanillaHR is an AI-powered all-in-one hiring platform that provides an integrated calendar, customized hiring, and user-friendly UX to source, attract, qualify, and interview the best candidates based on specific hiring needs.

Content Creation
Writier is an AI-powered writing assistant, while Sudowrite is an AI writing tool for novels and screenplays, and Google is using AI to make their products more helpful.


Naker is an automation platform that uses 3D technologies to generate packshots, videos, and interactive 3D product experiences to enhance visualization and conversion on eCommerce product pages.

Eden AI

Eden AI is a platform that provides a unique API connected to the best AI engines, offering access to many generative AI APIs, machine translation engines, text analysis and NLP engines, and image analysis technologies.
