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AI Tools catalog


179 tools found


Magicflow is a productivity tracker that uses AI to help you focus, figure out how your sleep and exercise habits affect your productivity, and track how much time you spend in all your apps.

Legal Assistants

OneAdvanced offers scalable, customizable legal software that supports improved firm-wide performance, protects revenue, and encourages growth

Yepic AI is an AI video toolkit that allows users to create, dub, and personalize videos, and is actively hiring people with experience in international research and technical leadership.

Art Generator

Boords is an online storyboarding software that offers an easy-to-use interface with thoughtful features to plan creative projects, including the ability to add unlimited custom note fields and predefined camera movement indicators, and all content uploaded or created within Boords is completely hidden from everyone unless shared.

Glass Health AI

Glass Health offers an AI-powered clinical decision support platform that empowers clinicians with differential diagnoses and clinical plans based on patient summaries and evidence-based guidelines, aiming to improve diagnostic accuracy and patient outcomes worldwide

Developer Tools
Bloop AI is a fast code search engine that helps developers understand and navigate their codebases more efficiently by providing natural language search capabilities and semantic code analysis

Rotor Videos

Rotor Videos is an online platform that offers musicians easy-to-use tools to create high-quality music videos with stock footage, audio-reactive visual effects, and professional editing styles.

Real Estate offers an AI interior design service that generates realistic visualizations based on a user's selected room type and interior design style, providing customized design concepts in just 3 days for £99

Audio Diary

Audio Diary is an intelligent voice diary that uses AI to help you capture moments, practice gratitude, and achieve goals, prioritizing security, simplicity, and success.
