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AI Tools catalog


144 tools found

Content Creation

Instoried is the world's first end-to-end AI content writing tool that aims to enhance writing and add emotion to generate and optimize high-quality content in seconds.

Social Networks

TweetEmote is an AI-powered tweet assistant that helps users express their thoughts and feelings in tweets with the right words, analyzing the text input and proposing the most appropriate emotion to use in the tweet.

Artificial Intelligence
Questgen AI

Questgen is an AI-powered quiz generator that supports high-volume quiz generation of up to 150 quizzes from 100,000 words in 1-click, providing an authoring tool to generate various kinds of assessments like Multiple Choice Questions, True/False Questions, Fill-in-the-blanks, and Higher-Order Questions, saving significant time for users and trusted by over 80,000 users

Slideoo AI is an AI-powered SaaS platform for creating quick and professional presentations.

Assistant Code
CodeMate AI

CodeMate is a platform that offers a Visual Studio Code extension to assist with coding, providing features, pricing information, and a contact option.


Top AI Tools is a website that provides a curated list of artificial intelligence tools, resources, and news for professionals and enthusiasts in the AI field.

Social Networks
Tweet Monk

Tweetmonk is an AI-powered Twitter Thread Maker & Analytics tool that helps users write, schedule, and publish Twitter tweets and threads, ultimately growing their engagement on the platform with advanced analytics

Ai Useful is a platform that provides general information and resources related to various topics, including technology, business, and personal development.

Mockey AI is a free online AI mockup generator that allows users to create high-quality mock-ups for various products, including apparels and accessories, and download the resulting photos for any use case. It is also available on the PlayStore for Android users
