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AI Tools catalog


35 tools found

Chatbot AI

ChatBot is an AI chat bot software that scans websites, help centers, or other designated resources to provide quick and accurate answers to customer questions, offering a free 14-day trial and no credit card required


PyTorch is a machine learning library that provides tools and libraries for the development of computer vision, NLP, and more, with features such as distributed training, a robust ecosystem, and cloud support, and it is well supported on major cloud platforms

Developer Tools

SpeechFlow is a versatile speech-to-text API that offers accurate transcriptions in multiple languages, with fast processing capabilities and flexible deployment options for optimal security and reliability.

Lyro by Tidio

Tidio's Lyro is an AI-powered conversational chatbot that analyzes customer questions and delivers human-like answers in seconds, reducing customers' waiting time and increasing their satisfaction.


ImgLarger is an online tool that uses AI technology to enhance and enlarge images up to 800% without losing quality, with a maximum image size of 1MB or 1200px.

Life Assistants
AiPassportPhotos is a platform that allows users to create and edit passport photos online, offering various formats and sizes to suit different needs and requirements


Try It On AI offers professional AI headshots and portraits for various industries, allowing users to submit 10-30 selfies, select portrait styles, and use AI editing tools for quick fixes, with pricing ranging from $17 to $45

GetResponse Email Generator

GetResponse's AI Email Generator uses innovative GPT-3.5 technology to create engaging emails in record time, tailored to industry trends and specific keywords, leading to a significant decrease in email creation time for users.

Machine Learning

MLnative offers unprecedented speed and scale in MLOps, allowing users to play with foundational models on their AI Playground, access machine learning insights via their blog, and receive product development updates by subscribing to their platform
