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AI Tools catalog


72 tools found


Oxolo offers AI-powered video content for e-commerce businesses, providing a 25% discount for first-time users and a 40% increase in organic search traffic for websites featuring videos

Speech To Text

AI Coustics is an audio enhancement tool that uses deep learning techniques to remove imperfections in recordings or streams, such as background noises, room resonances, low-quality microphones, codec compression, and other unwanted elements.

No Code

Textomap is a platform that allows users to create, customize, and embed interactive maps from text sources in seconds, saving time and effort in various applications such as travel itineraries, blog posts, and news articles


Pitch is a presentation software that enables fast-moving teams to create and share stunning presentations with features such as custom fonts, branded templates, block animations, and presentation analytics, among others.


Myth.Ai is a technology company that specializes in AI-powered printing pattern design technology, offering a web-based design tool that allows anyone to create professional designs in just a few clicks.

Deal Code AI

Dealcode's AI Sales Message Generator is a chrome extension that allows users to create highly personalized messages 100x faster that convert 20x better, based on successful sales processes and data science, and is suitable for individual SDRs, BDRs, Sales Managers, Sales Leaders, Sales Teams, Business Owners and anyone who wants to engage new customers with their products and services.

Text Cortex

TextCortex is an AI-powered creative partner that revolutionizes the creative process by offering a customizable, cross-device platform with advanced writing and research capabilities in 25+ languages, reducing writing time by over 50%

Text To Speech
Voiser offers AI-powered speech-to-text and text-to-speech services in over 70 languages, including transcription of YouTube content, voice cloning, and a speaking website feature, revolutionizing workflow and content creation

SnackzAI is a fully AI-powered book summary app that delivers high-quality summaries based on the real content of books, making knowledge accessible and affordable for everyone.
