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AI Tools catalog


30 tools found

Customer Support is an enterprise-ready conversational AI platform that automates customer service with AI-powered chat and voice bots, creates personalized connections between customers and brands, and manages high traffic, increases customer satisfaction, and reduces costs.


Ayfie AI Personal Assistant is a powerful tool that provides knowledge and understanding to help organizations and individuals excel, with over 15 years of experience in handling corporate data and a proven track record of success in various industries.

Amazing AI

Sindre Sorhus is a full-time open-sourcerer and aspiring rebel who is known for his work on various apps and code projects.

Human Resources
Qureos Resume Builder

Qureos offers a free online resume builder designed to help job seekers create a winning resume that showcases their work, personality, and skills, based on feedback from 1,000+ users, recruiter expertise, and hiring best practices.

3D model

Cascadeur is a software for creating character animation using an AI-assisted keyframe animation approach, allowing for expressive and realistic animations for movies and video games

Note Taking

Emberly is a platform for organizing and managing knowledge.


MiGuru is a Chilean job portal that uses artificial intelligence to consolidate job listings from over 400 sources, streamlining the application process and offering AI-powered job application autofill


Highcharts GPT is a free tool powered by ChatGPT that allows users to create real charts in any language with simple prompts, but it has limitations in terms of accuracy and rendering capabilities, and requires a Highcharts commercial license to publish generated charts.

Human Resources

Chadview is a AI-powered service that listens to your Zoom, Google Meet, and Teams calls in real-time, providing instant answers to any questions you may have during the call
