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AI Tools catalog


1220 tools found

Developer Tools
Autoblocks AI

Autoblocks is a GenAI product workspace that offers encrypted data management, security monitoring, and compliance auditing, catering to both indiehackers and large enterprises. It also provides resources on AI topics like commonsense reasoning and simulated annealing

No Code

Seek AI is a data analytics platform that uses generative AI to automate access to and analysis of complex datasets, providing solutions for data bottleneck problems in organizations

Life Assistants

Upstract is a platform that provides general information on various topics, including technology, finance, and law.

AgendaAI by Charma

Charma's AgendaAI is an AI tool that automatically generates meeting agendas when connected to Slack or after answering a few questions

Artificial Intelligence
Glide Apps

Glide AI allows users to easily build and deploy custom, AI-powered business apps without managing prompts, choosing models, or dealing with complex APIs.

Musicfy is a website that offers an AI-powered music production tool allowing users to create new songs using text-to-music or voice-to-instrument/voice.


Vizcom is an AI-powered platform that allows users to generate unique product combinations, visually explore design options, and create photorealistic renderings with ease

Doctrina AI is an AI Education Suite offering an education-focused AI assistant for academic queries, homework help, and discussions on complex concepts, aiming to make the learning journey more engaging and effective.

Twill Health

Twill is a digital-first healthcare company that partners with employers, health plans, and pharma companies to improve outcomes and deliver measurable value through one unified care platform, offering innovative well-being products, including an online community staffed by healthcare professionals, to improve mental and physical health.
