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AI Tools catalog


100 tools found

Artificial Intelligence
Jackrabbit Ops

Jackrabbit Ops is an AI-driven platform that responds to leads, books meetings, and helps businesses identify potential customers, aiming to improve sales efficiency and customer engagement.

Loyalist AI Assistant Suite

Loyalist is an all-in-one small business platform that offers AI-powered tools for sales, marketing, operations, and financial analysis.

No Code

ResolveAI is a platform that helps businesses create AI agents to assist with customer service and other tasks, offering custom solutions for specific needs.

Inksprout Video

Inksprout is a platform that allows users to monitor industry trends, generate bite-size videos, and import blogs to summarize and create videos based on the content.


AutoOptimize is a web page optimization tool that provides pre-built A/B testing templates to help increase conversion rates and save money on hiring a CRO professional.

Legal Assistants

Diligen is a platform used by legal teams and companies worldwide to make contract review faster, more efficient, and cost-effective.

Legal Assistants

Spellbook is an AI-powered tool that uses GPT-4 and other large language models to review and suggest terms for contracts, integrated with Microsoft Word, and is strictly available for legal professionals today.

Search Engine

HotBot is a search engine that helps users find information more efficiently by providing smart search results and adding value to their browsing experience.


ElliSense is an online AI market sentiment analysis tool that provides bullish/bearish indexes on financial assets such as Fx Currencies, Crypto, and Stocks, and collects data from various sources.
