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AI Tools catalog


112 tools found

Artificial Intelligence
Jackrabbit Ops

Jackrabbit Ops is an AI-driven platform that responds to leads, books meetings, and helps businesses identify potential customers, aiming to improve sales efficiency and customer engagement.


Ultra Attention is a software solution that uses machine learning to detect and prevent computer users' distractions, helping them stay focused and improve their overall work quality

Legal Assistants

Spellbook is an AI-powered tool that uses GPT-4 and other large language models to review and suggest terms for contracts, integrated with Microsoft Word, and is strictly available for legal professionals today.

Website Builders

Wishpond offers an AI-powered Website Builder that automatically generates high-quality content and imagery, allowing users to build a functional site in seconds and enhance their copy with AI-refined features


InfraNodus is an AI-powered text network visualization tool that represents text as a network, identifies structural gaps, and generates research questions to bridge those gaps, with applications in scientific research, SEO, network analysis, mind map generation, and real-time data analysis.

Assistant Code
Tabninie AI

Tabnine is an AI assistant that provides code completion functionality and boosts development productivity, while also offering privacy and security features such as local adaptation and fully isolated mode.


AutoOptimize is a web page optimization tool that provides pre-built A/B testing templates to help increase conversion rates and save money on hiring a CRO professional.

Summate is a tool that uses OpenAI to quickly summarize web articles, allowing users to input any article URL and receive a summary of the article.

Reply IO's Sales Email Assistant is an AI-powered tool that helps users create personalized and effective sales emails in seconds by generating first-step emails, AI follow-ups, and checking email copy with AI text quality scoring.
