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AI Tools catalog


108 tools found

Amazing AI

Sindre Sorhus is a full-time open-sourcerer and aspiring rebel who is known for his work on various apps and code projects.


Mayday is an AI-assisted calendar, task manager, and scheduling assistant for Mac, iOS, and iPad, designed to help users organize, protect, and manage their day by combining scheduling preferences and patterns with best practices around productivity

Cradl AI

Cradl AI is a no-code AI platform that automates document workflows for business critical document automation, offering fully customizable AI validator, encrypted transmission, and seamless integration with automation tools

Search Engine
Omnisearch AI

Omnisearch is an AI-powered search engine that seamlessly integrates with websites, allowing users to easily search and find specific content, including video transcripts, and was founded with the vision to revolutionize content search


Craftly.AI is an AI-powered copywriting assistant that leverages natural language processing to help individuals, writers, marketers, and teams create quality content in seconds.

Machine Learning
Best of Machine Learning is a platform that showcases the best guides, books, papers, and news in machine learning, once per week, and is open to submissions from anyone in the community.

Aiter is a platform that provides one-click AI ads, AI content, and strategy ideas for businesses looking to improve their online presence and streamline their marketing efforts.

Missive AI

Missive is a team email, chat, and tasks app that helps users manage their communication processes and collaborate with their teams efficiently.

3D model
Masterpiece X

Masterpiece X is a website that generates 3D models of characters, animals, and objects with unlimited downloads and works with various apps, requiring no command line or expensive hardware.
