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AI Tools catalog


6 tools found

Speech To Text

Vocapia is a leading provider of speech-to-text software and services, offering solutions for broadcast monitoring, lecture and seminar transcription, video subtitling, and conference call transcription

Legal Assistants

Diligen is a platform used by legal teams and companies worldwide to make contract review faster, more efficient, and cost-effective.


Lumen5 is a video creation platform powered by AI that turns text into video marketing content in minutes, making it easy for anyone to create engaging videos.

Alexa Translations

Alexa Translations is a translation company that offers innovative machine translation tools specifically trained for the legal and financial markets, providing complex, industry-specific translations with unprecedented quality and unmatched speed.

Legal Assistants

Blue J L&E is an AI-powered platform that allows legal and employment professionals to efficiently research and predict outcomes based on factors and outcomes, enabling informed decision-making and planning

Perfectly Clear

EyeQ, formerly known as Athentech, is an innovative digital imaging company that offers automatic photo enhancement technology and digital imaging solutions to help businesses auto-correct and process batch images, with a focus on continuously updating and innovating their Perfectly Clear technology
