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AI Tools catalog


172 tools found


MowaAI is an AI data analyst that aims to simplify data analysis and elevate the level of data literacy within organizations.

Task Management
Taskheat AI Assistant

Taskheat is a visual task management app available for Mac, iPad, and iPhone, allowing users to create flowcharts to visualize and manage task dependencies, with an AI Assistant feature and a free trial period

Search Engine
Omnisearch AI

Omnisearch is an AI-powered search engine that seamlessly integrates with websites, allowing users to easily search and find specific content, including video transcripts, and was founded with the vision to revolutionize content search


WiziShop is an AI-powered ecommerce solution that offers easy store creation, automatic updates, unlimited AI, video training, and support, with a focus on SEO and customer success.

Surfer Seo

Surfer is a Content Intelligence platform that helps writers, content managers, and agencies to scale their content efforts, automate their SEO workflow, and rank higher and faster than ever before, with subscriptions available in four tiers of plans.

Developer Tools

Blobr offers an optimized ChatGPT plugin for APIs, enhancing the user experience with an AI Copilot for searching and executing tasks.

Image is a platform with 21+ color filters where users can upload their photos, choose a unique filter, and see their images in realistic and vibrant colors.

Life Assistants
Lampi AI is a confidential and collaborative AI copilot that can understand text and spoken words, process uploaded data, and provide personalized advice to improve decision-making and work collaboration.


AdYouNeed is an all-in-one platform that streamlines social media and search ads, allowing users to create and optimize ads in minutes while automating ad processes.
