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AI Tools catalog


97 tools found

IPlan AI is an AI-based travel planner that creates unique itineraries tailored to individual preferences, saving time and offering personalized, efficient, and stress-free travel planning experiences.

3D model
Masterpiece Studio

Masterpiece Studio is a platform for 3D content creation, offering tools for generating, editing, and sharing 3D models, with a free non-commercial version available and a focus on accessibility and community building


Slayer AI is a platform that uses AI to generate high-quality custom audio stories, podcasts, and meditations tailored to users' preferences in seconds.

Artificial Intelligence
Jackrabbit Ops

Jackrabbit Ops is an AI-driven platform that responds to leads, books meetings, and helps businesses identify potential customers, aiming to improve sales efficiency and customer engagement.


Craftly.AI is an AI-powered copywriting assistant that leverages natural language processing to help individuals, writers, marketers, and teams create quality content in seconds.

Life Assistants

ExperAI is a website that offers AI tools and allows users to chat with AI experts on any topic.

Speech To Text
Speak Ai

Speak Ai is a no-code transcription, research, data analysis, and natural language processing software that helps users turn language data into insights, with a focus on privacy and security.

No Code

ResolveAI is a platform that helps businesses create AI agents to assist with customer service and other tasks, offering custom solutions for specific needs.


Arbor is a carbon management platform for companies that offers sustainable procurement and supplier analysis, avoided emissions scenarios, and authentic and greenwashing-free marketing.
