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AI Tools catalog


90 tools found

VisualizeAI is an AI-powered platform that helps users create and manage visual content with ease.

Life Assistants

The Valentine's Day Card Maker on allows users to create personalized and unique Valentine's Day cards using a simple and user-friendly interface with a range of templates, images, and illustrations for customization

3D model
Masterpiece X

Masterpiece X is a website that generates 3D models of characters, animals, and objects with unlimited downloads and works with various apps, requiring no command line or expensive hardware.

Legal Assistants

Blue J L&E is an AI-powered platform that allows legal and employment professionals to efficiently research and predict outcomes based on factors and outcomes, enabling informed decision-making and planning

Cognosys is a web-based AI platform that offers features such as filtering top tech stories, delivering unbiased research reports, and integrating communication and work channels

Legal Assistants
Legalese Decoder

Legalese Decoder is a web application that uses AI, natural language processing, and machine learning to analyze legal documents and provide a plain language version, empowering individuals to understand and navigate complex legal jargon.

Perfectly Clear

EyeQ, formerly known as Athentech, is an innovative digital imaging company that offers automatic photo enhancement technology and digital imaging solutions to help businesses auto-correct and process batch images, with a focus on continuously updating and innovating their Perfectly Clear technology


AutoOptimize is a web page optimization tool that provides pre-built A/B testing templates to help increase conversion rates and save money on hiring a CRO professional.

CapCut Online Creative Suite

CapCut is an all-in-one video editor and graphic design tool that uses AI and offers quick editing tools, built-in templates, and business-oriented templates for compiling event footage, showcasing product demos, and presenting vision in a visually captivating way, as well as cooking tutorial templates for upping recipe video game.
