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AI Tools catalog


91 tools found

RetouchMe offers professional photo retouching with quick results in just one click, receiving positive feedback for its precision and detailed perfection.

No Code

ResolveAI is a platform that helps businesses create AI agents to assist with customer service and other tasks, offering custom solutions for specific needs.


Arbor is a carbon management platform for companies that offers sustainable procurement and supplier analysis, avoided emissions scenarios, and authentic and greenwashing-free marketing.


LANDR is a platform that offers musicians a range of creative tools, including AI mastering, plugins, distribution, and access to a community of professionals to help take their tracks to the next level.

Legal Assistants
Legalese Decoder

Legalese Decoder is a web application that uses AI, natural language processing, and machine learning to analyze legal documents and provide a plain language version, empowering individuals to understand and navigate complex legal jargon.


ScribeBerry is a platform that offers AI-powered writing assistance, including grammar checking, content optimization, and language translation services for various types of writing.

3D model
Masterpiece X

Masterpiece X is a website that generates 3D models of characters, animals, and objects with unlimited downloads and works with various apps, requiring no command line or expensive hardware.

Deep Genomics

Deep Genomics is a company that uses advanced artificial intelligence to develop treatments for genetic diseases.

Human Resources
Autumn AI

GetAutumn is a platform that aims to prevent burnout and improve team well-being, and it was acquired by Qualtrics in 2023.
