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AI Tools catalog


106 tools found

Website Builders

Botpress is a next-generation chatbot builder and conversational AI platform powered by OpenAI, allowing the creation of human-like chatbots in multiple languages and seamless deployment across various channels

Human Resources
Autumn AI

GetAutumn is a platform that aims to prevent burnout and improve team well-being, and it was acquired by Qualtrics in 2023.

Content Creation
Maker AI

Maker AI is a platform that uses cutting-edge artificial intelligence to generate written and visual content in seconds, including blog posts, landing pages, product descriptions, Google and Facebook ads, and images.

IPlan AI is an AI-based travel planner that creates unique itineraries tailored to individual preferences, saving time and offering personalized, efficient, and stress-free travel planning experiences.

No Code
Browse AI

Browse AI is an AI-powered web automation software that can scrape and monitor data from any website, allowing users to extract information, monitor webpages for changes, and turn websites into APIs


Looka is a platform that offers a free logo maker and intelligent brand designer powered by AI, allowing users to create a logo that matches their vision without the need for design skills

Kira Systems

Kira Systems is a machine learning software that identifies, extracts, and analyzes content in contracts and documents to improve the accuracy of contract review, mitigate risk, and enhance visibility into contract repositories, used by law firms, professional service firms, and corporations globally.

Legal Assistants

Spellbook is an AI-powered tool that uses GPT-4 and other large language models to review and suggest terms for contracts, integrated with Microsoft Word, and is strictly available for legal professionals today.

Staccato is an AI tool for music makers, offering a unique song lyrics generator and song analysis, aiming to simplify songwriting and music creation process
