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AI Tools catalog


266 tools found

Legal Assistants

ContractPodAi is a leading contract lifecycle management platform that offers AI-driven solutions, supports over 60 languages, and reduces negotiation time by an average of one hour per contract


InfraNodus is an AI-powered text network visualization tool that represents text as a network, identifies structural gaps, and generates research questions to bridge those gaps, with applications in scientific research, SEO, network analysis, mind map generation, and real-time data analysis.


Phrasee is an AI-powered platform that helps enterprise marketers create, test, and optimize marketing messages using data-driven content generation and real-time language insights, aiming to improve engagement and drive marketing results.

Artificial Intelligence
Molin AI

Molin AI is an advanced AI language model that solves complex problems and provides more accurate answers than any AI chatbot on the market, integrates into all of the e-commerce platforms and any other types of websites, and can detect and resolve issues in 95 languages.

Coachvox AI

Coachvox AI is a platform where users can create AI versions of themselves, trained using their own words and inputs, with internal guidelines to prevent the AI from saying anything against the platform's policies

Legal Assistants

ThoughtRiver is an AI-powered contract acceleration platform that can speed up review processes, enhance team productivity, and unlock key data to drive businesses forward.


Pitchlane is a software designed to enhance video outreach methods by creating personalized videos for sales outreach and providing analytics to understand prospect engagement.

Developer Tools

Shuttle's AI platform allows users to create and deploy backend applications in under 5 minutes by providing a prompt and letting the AI generate the code and provision the infrastructure.


Octocom is an AI-powered chatbot designed for eCommerce SMEs that provides instant human-level conversations 24/7 in any language on any channel, automates customer support and sales, and offers personalized product recommendations and strategic upselling.
