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AI Tools catalog


90 tools found


Slayer AI is a platform that uses AI to generate high-quality custom audio stories, podcasts, and meditations tailored to users' preferences in seconds.


Mayday is an AI-assisted calendar, task manager, and scheduling assistant for Mac, iOS, and iPad, designed to help users organize, protect, and manage their day by combining scheduling preferences and patterns with best practices around productivity

Artificial Intelligence
Jackrabbit Ops

Jackrabbit Ops is an AI-driven platform that responds to leads, books meetings, and helps businesses identify potential customers, aiming to improve sales efficiency and customer engagement.

Human Resources
Autumn AI

GetAutumn is a platform that aims to prevent burnout and improve team well-being, and it was acquired by Qualtrics in 2023.


Arbor is a carbon management platform for companies that offers sustainable procurement and supplier analysis, avoided emissions scenarios, and authentic and greenwashing-free marketing.

Chatsimple AI

Chatsimple is an AI chatbot platform that offers 24/7 customer support, multi-language assistance, lead generation, personalized follow-ups, and insights on customer needs and issues.

Life Assistants

Waverly is a social media platform created by Philippe Beaudoin, aiming to prioritize transparency, user control, and empowerment, with a focus on putting people's intentions first

Legal Assistants

Diligen is a platform used by legal teams and companies worldwide to make contract review faster, more efficient, and cost-effective.

Speech To Text
Speak Ai

Speak Ai is a no-code transcription, research, data analysis, and natural language processing software that helps users turn language data into insights, with a focus on privacy and security.
