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AI Tools catalog


99 tools found


Craftly.AI is an AI-powered copywriting assistant that leverages natural language processing to help individuals, writers, marketers, and teams create quality content in seconds.

Search Engine
Omnisearch AI

Omnisearch is an AI-powered search engine that seamlessly integrates with websites, allowing users to easily search and find specific content, including video transcripts, and was founded with the vision to revolutionize content search


Unbounce is a platform that provides tools and resources to create high-converting landing pages, helping businesses grow their online presence and optimize their marketing campaigns

3D model
Masterpiece Studio

Masterpiece Studio is a platform for 3D content creation, offering tools for generating, editing, and sharing 3D models, with a free non-commercial version available and a focus on accessibility and community building


Beepbooply is an AI-powered text-to-speech platform that generates natural and realistic speech patterns using cutting-edge AI voices from Google, Amazon, and other providers

Speech To Text
Speak Ai

Speak Ai is a no-code transcription, research, data analysis, and natural language processing software that helps users turn language data into insights, with a focus on privacy and security.

Life Assistants

The Valentine's Day Card Maker on allows users to create personalized and unique Valentine's Day cards using a simple and user-friendly interface with a range of templates, images, and illustrations for customization

Assistant Code
Tabninie AI

Tabnine is an AI assistant that provides code completion functionality and boosts development productivity, while also offering privacy and security features such as local adaptation and fully isolated mode.


Slayer AI is a platform that uses AI to generate high-quality custom audio stories, podcasts, and meditations tailored to users' preferences in seconds.
