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AI Tools catalog


28 tools found

Developer Tools

Spell is a platform offering AI agents to enhance productivity, with a focus on helping users accomplish tasks and unlock their potential through a free trial.

SilFer Bots

SilFer Bots is a platform for creating Facebook Messenger bots for sales, marketing, and customer support, offering integration with various other business tools and services.

Clio is a platform that allows users to create and share images and prompts, with a focus on community interaction and copyright terms.

No Code

Kili is a data labeling platform that helps businesses transform unstructured data into high-quality datasets to train their AI and improve their models' performance.

Content Creation
Upwex is a Chrome extension that streamlines the freelancing process on Upwork, offering advanced features such as AI proposal and Q&A, CRM synchronization, and job post rating.


Soundraw is an AI music generation platform that allows users to create customized royalty-free music by selecting a mood, genre, and length, with options for adjusting the music to their needs and integrating the AI technology into products.

Voxwave AI

Voxwave AI offers a platform for sending personalized voice emails to leads at various stages, aiming to increase call bookings and sales by leveraging the human touch of voice messages.

Synthesizer V

Dreamtonics' Synthesizer V is a groundbreaking music production tool that combines AI research, signal processing, and a passion for music to create a pioneering synthesizer that replicates the nuances of the human singing voice without limiting your vocabulary, allowing you to bring your ideas to life with ease and creativity.

Aiter is a platform that provides one-click AI ads, AI content, and strategy ideas for businesses looking to improve their online presence and streamline their marketing efforts.
