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AI Tools catalog


178 tools found

Salespitch is an AI-powered platform that automates the creation and sending of personalized sales emails, boasting high-conversion rates, perfect tone, and grammar, and integration with current sales systems, suitable for various businesses and marketing agencies.

Files & Spreadsheets

Luminal is a platform that offers AI-powered assistance to clean, transform, and analyze spreadsheets at a much faster rate.

Media & Entertainment
Luna Ai

Luna AI is a platform that takes data security seriously, offers a free trial period, and uses AI to assist with marketing, social media posts, program content creation, and more.

ChatGPT Extensions

SummerEyes is an AI-powered productivity tool that provides condensed summaries of text on the internet, helping users process more information quickly and efficiently


Bizway is an all-in-one hub for solo business owners, offering AI-powered tools for market research, business planning, and task automation, without judgment or the need for coding.

Reachout AI is an AI-powered video prospecting platform that helps businesses create and deliver personalized videos with realistic digital humans, improving email response rates and streamlining the sales process

Life Assistants
Sports Prediction AI

Sports Prediction AI is an AI tool that uses the latest AI technology to analyze and process data from various sources to generate accurate predictions for premier sports events around the globe, providing users with investment advice service to make informed decisions on their sports investments.

Shufti Pro

Shufti Pro is an AML compliance solution that helps businesses screen against PEPs, sanctions, watchlists, and monitor adverse media to prevent money laundering and meet compliance requirements


RocketAI is an AI-powered platform that helps businesses increase sales and productivity by generating visuals, copy, and social media posts tailored to their brand.
